
Holiday Ordering 2011


UPDATE Monday 12/19:  It's not too late to order!   It depends on your location on whether we can get it to you on time for Christmas and if 3 day shipping or 2 day shipping is needed.   Here is where the bikes are shipping from: 

STRIDER PREBIKE 2011 and 2012 models:  Ships from South Dakota zip: 57702 and Portland, OR 97215. Centrally located in US, so many are still good with ground shipping.     3 day shipping available for only $18!  bonus:  when ordering more than one Strider (only Strider bikes) only upgrade one bike to 3 day shipping and the others will ship 3 day as well.  So you are safe to order through Monday night and get it in time!  2 day shipping will be available after Monday night.  It's safe to choose 3 day shipping if you are ordering this weekend!

Mini Glider and Go Glider:  Ships from Los Angeles zip:90221 and a few Pinks left in Portland, OR 97215.   2 day fedex available for $44. 

Skuut Pink and Red:  Ships from Portland OR 97215.  A few left of each style.   3 day UPS available.  Call for specific quote or choose from dropdown. 

Early Rider:  Ships from Portland, OR 97215.  A few left of each style.  Call for expedited shipping prices, though due to weight, expedited shipping is expensive

Wishbone 3 in 1 bike and trike:  Ships from New Jersey.  2 day Expedited shipping now available!

Kazam bikes:  Red,  Blue and Green can ship from Los Angeles  and Blue, Green, Orange can ship from Virginia.   Pink is currently out of stock.  

FirstBIKE:  Firstbikes ship from Rhode Island, so East coast orders or vicinity are safe for ordering this weekend!   2 day shipping available for $44

The Holidays are right around the corner! 

A Balance Bikes is sure to light up your child's eyes and heart!

Things to think about:

1. Where to ship to:  Many boxes can fit under a bed or be left in the garage or basement, but they are still alittle large (approx 29" x 15" X 8" for the 12" bikes).  If you think having a big box around is too tempting for eager little eyes, think about sending it to grandparents or a work address or a trusted neighbor or friend.  If this won't work, and the box is not discreet, consider plain box shipping or taped boxes (below)

2. Do you need plain box shipping or words/pictures taped out?

Plain box shipping is no longer available.  If you are desperate for plain box shipping, please contact us and we will see if we have your item in Portland, OR and if there is enough time to get it to you.  At this late date, some products are shipping from different locations to get it to you faster!

Think about whether you need "plain box wrap" or not.   You can view the bike boxes at this link https://www.kidsbalancebikes.com/plain-box-wrap-for-surprise-presents.html.    The cost is $5 or $3 which just pays for the box and alittle extra shipping which we incur.  This will at least keep the contents a complete secret and can be stored until the big day.

3. Bike sizing:  Try to pick a bike that will fit you child right on the day they will be receiving it.  Although it's tempting to think of getting a larger bike because they will be alittle bigger in the Spring or Summer, you don't want them discouraged or disappointed because they can't ride it immediately.  There are plenty of winter opportunities to ride! (basements, garage, sidewalks on dry days, even in the house!). 

4. Do you need it shipped at a later date?  If you want to get your order in, but don't want your bike shipped until a specific date (or to arrive on a specific date) no problem!!   There is a notes section at check out and just put in a note to let us know what date you would like it to arrive.  Except for weather delays, we can usually determine the exact date of arrival and ship accordingly.   We will confirm that we received your order for delayed shipping so you can rest assured it was received.

Feel free to call with any questions.   We are here to ease your Holiday stressors and make this part go smooth!   We also encourage you to open your package 2 weeks in advance of the Holiday and make sure everything is pristine and all parts are there.   It is rare that anything goes missing, but this way we can fix any problems well in advance of the big day.

Thank you for shopping with Kids Balance Bikes!   A great way to introduce your children to the wonderful world of biking!