Many parents question whether buying a balance bike is worth it for a child age 3 1/2 - 4 1/2, when they seem so close to riding a pedal bike. Learning to ride a pedal bike without the experience of balance or steering is actually quite hard and scary! This is one parent's story

"I taught my now 6 year old the 'old fashion way' at the track when he was 3 1/2 years old. It took about 10 trips to the track in 90 degree weather, lots of frustration (on both our parts), putting the training wheels on, then off, then on again because he felt insecure without them.  Encouraging him to keep pedalling and don't stop or you will fall over !!  ...and trying to reason with him ...yes a 3 year old.... about the mechanics and dynamics of pedaling and balance.  Finally, on the last trip to the track it finally clicked and he did it!   Whew!   We survived it!"

From the same parent:  "Now with my 2 1/2 year old it has been a different story.   After only 3 weeks on his balance bike, he asked to try a 'real pedal bike'. I dug out the old 12 inch little bike, without training wheels and decided to give it a whirl. He could actually ride with very little guidance or coaching..  I just kept one hand lightly on the back of his shirt in case. His only problem is that he is not tall enough to safely stop with his feet on the ground as he is little for his age, but we are working on that. Not only was it much easier than the "old fashion way" at the track, but a much more pleasant experience for my child and myself as well!   Of course he's back on his balance bike, having lots of fun."




Kids Balance Bikes
Authorized Dealer
Portland, OR  97215
Phone: 503-709-8782

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