Check out Kevin from Portland, just turned 2 a few months ago, on his Strider Prebike with his new Tie Dye Nutcase helmet!
Kevin was ready to run after just a few minutes on his Strider bike and even was eyeing the hills close by. It won’t be long before he is gliding with ease around the neighborhood. His twin sister also was immediately taken to her Pink Strider and walked the bike easily around the sidewalk. Both kids couldn’t wait to get to the park for more riding!
Kevin’s dad had seen a neighborhood child, even a month younger than his toddlers, gliding down the sidewalk with feet up and was inspired to get his kids biking at a young age as well.
Balance bikes offer so much more than a trike or bike with training wheels in that the child has full control of the bike and can take it on multiple terrains with ease - up and down curbs, on grass, bark, even gravel. This is not possible with trikes or bikes with training wheels. Kids can also easily manage a balance bike uphill.
Kevin and his sister will now have the freedom to fly around the neighborhood and park for the next few years, and easily be pedal biking (sans training wheels) by 4 years old. Now how fun is that?!! (for both kids AND parents!)